Kingsbarns and Pitmilly Circuit

 A short pleasant circular walk, the first half of which uses the Fife Coastal Path around the Kingsbarns area. The second half of the walk uses core paths through Morton of Pitmilly where land is being managed for biodiversity.

Distance: 8km / 5 miles

Ascent: 160 feet / 50 m

Terrain: Mostly on reasonable paths

Start / finish: Kingsbarns

Route Map

Route map

The walk is described starting from Kingsbarns village where there is room to park at the The Square. An alternative starting point is the coastal car park at Kingsbarns.

Commence the walk by heading south along the main road past the post office and tea room. Turn left into Back Stile which is signed for the coastal path. Walk downhill on this road for about 1km leaving the village and passing the golf courses. At the end of the road is Kingsbarns Beach and car park. This is a popular spot during the Summer months and can get rather busy at times.

Go through the gate in the corner of the left hand side of the car park picking up the obvious path. There are toilets (may be closed in the winter months) available here. Beyond the toilets the coastal path hugs the narrow strip of land between golf course and shore followed by field and shore. The coastline around here is mostly rocky interspersed with small sandy beaches and the path drops down onto one of the beaches close to Airbow Point. Keep on the beach until you reach an old caravan where the path returns to the dunes although you could stay on the beach for a bit longer if you prefer.

The path rounds Babbet Ness and reaches the ruin of an old salmon bothy. After the ruin a grassy track signed for “main road” goes inland alongside a section of wall. Keep on this track which becomes a dirt track passing through fields edged with wild flowers. Keep straight on where a track goes right to the farm, until you reach the main road.

With extreme care, cross the road and go left for 200m along the verge of the road (there is no pavement). Go right at the first entrance, after the trees, onto a farm track to leave the road. After crossing the Pitmilly Burn you will enter the Morton of Pitmilly estate which as well as being a holiday resort and working farm area, is being managed for bio diversity. There are many grass paths/tracks around here which are worth exploring as an alternative to staying with the core path route.

If you stay on the core path route you will pass a “welcome” bench and later a further bench at a corner where the core path goes left. The path soon becomes a red ash track with recently planted mixed woodlands to the sides. There are a number of sign boards scattered around giving information on the species that have been planted.

After passing a wildflower meadow and the main buildings (left) the track becomes a tarmac access road. You can either stay on the road for the full 700m to the public road or divert through the woodlands at the side of the road. When you reach the quiet public road, turn left and follow it for 600m back to the village of Kingsbarns.