Kittock’s Den and Buddo Rock

A short coastal circuit exploring the woodland of Kittock’s Den, and the Fife Coastal Path around the Boarhills area. Although not long the walk can be further shortened if desired.

Distance: 5 km / 3 miles

Ascent: 100m / 320 feet (probably a bit more if you allow for the up and down on the coastal path)

Terrain: Mostly unsurfaced and uneven paths.

Start / finish: Boarhills

Route Map

Buddo Rock and Kittocks Den route map

Start the walk from the attractive village of Boarhills. Walk down the road through the village towards the coast until you reach the large green barns and signposts for the Fife Coastal Path. Turn left alongside the barns following the coastal path sign. At the next signpost however, keep straight on following a farm track instead of turning right onto the coastal path. The track leads to the golf course becoming a bit more overgrown as it progresses.

On reaching the golf course turn left on the tarmac path, then go first right and then left at the small kiosk. Stay alert for stray golf balls whilst on this section. After the kiosk the tarmac path goes downhill to Kittock’s Den. At the lowest point on the path, turn right onto a cut grass path that heads into the Den.

The grass path can become overgrown. However footfall is sufficient to keep it in a usable condition even in the Summer months. Follow the path through the trees and alongside the burn for about 700m to emerge onto the Fife Coastal Path at a wooden bridge.

Turn right on to the coastal path and follow it for just over 1km to the Buddo Rock. This section of the coastal path is quite uneven with ups and downs aided by stone steps. Beyond the obvious sandstone outcrop of the Buddo Rock the path starts to climb uphill. If you want an easy walk back to Boarhills simply stay on the path and follow it back to the farm with the green barns, a distance of approximately 900m.

However, if you don’t mind a little rough walking, about half way up the cliff there is an overgrown grassy path that leaves the coastal path to head back towards the shoreline. When you reach the shore you can either continue through the vegetation on the overgrown path or use the beach / rocks. After about 350m an old wall with a stone stile is reached. The next landmark is an old lifeboat shed (now used as a barn) 100m beyond the wall. Easy walking after this for the next 150m brings you to a gate in the corner of the field.

Pass through the gate and turn right on to a farm track which leads uphill back to Boarhills. After about 500m you pass a group of houses at Chesterhill and a further 350m brings you back to the farm where you started the walk.