The two highest hills in Fife (West Lomond and East Lomond) lie with the Lomond Hills area and are distinctive landmarks from a distance. Like the more substantial Ben Lomond in the west, their name probably derives from “beacon” and it is easy to see why. A third hill, Bishop Hill and its outlier Munduff Hill, both within the jurisdiction of Perth and Kinross, complete this range of modest height moorland hills.

The hills can be ascended individually and multiple route options make it easy to form a circular walk. For a longer day it is possible to link them all together into a 12 mile circuit. This is a popular area for walkers as it is easily accessed and provides relatively straightforward walks. Some routes can be very busy at times. However, for the more discerning walker it is easy enough to leave the “honey pot” routes behind and explore the less frequented quieter routes where relatively few people venture.

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