Dollar Community Woodland and Law Hill

As of October 2023 a deer fence has been erected across the path between the summit of Law Hill and the trig pillar. There is currently no gate or stile where the fence crosses the established informal path. Therefore, it will be necessary to climb the fence if undertaking this walk. Please contact the Clackmannanshire Access Officer if you are concerned about this development.

A popular spot for dog walkers and locals looking to stretch their legs, this walk is an extended circuit of the Dollar Law Hill and Community Woodland walk.

  • Distance: 4 km / 2.5 miles
  • Ascent: 140 m / 450 feet
  • Terrain: Unsurfaced (sometimes muddy) paths
  • Start/finish: Dollar Community Woodland car park on the back road between Dollar and Muckhart at grid ref NS 970 992

Storm Arwen Update

Some paths in the community woodland have been badly affected by fallen trees during November 2021. You may need to take alternative paths.

Route Map

Route map

Commence the walk from the car park by heading clockwise around the woodland. The paths in the woodland are unsurfaced and can get very muddy in places. At the northern boundary of the woods, the path turns right and heads down towards a burn. From this section of the path there are lovely views out across the Ochils. After crossing the burn follow the path up hill through coniferous trees. At the edge of the trees the path bears right to reach an arrangement of gates/fences where a path turns left up to Law Hill.

Follow the path up past the lone pine and round to the left to reach the tree topped summit of Law Hill. On reaching the hill you have a choice of either going round the outside of the trees (in either direction) or though the middle. Whatever way you choose, arrive at the opposite side of the tree enclosure where an unsurfaced path crosses the fence (easy to step over) and heads east across the open grassy hillside to reach an OS triangulation pillar.

Keep to the path after the trig pillar still heading in a roughly easterly direction until you reach the edge of the field at a wall/fence. The path bears right down the hill at this point running parallel to the wall. It becomes somewhat feinter lower down the grassy hillside. As you reach the bottom of the field the path goes right although it is probably not particularly visible at this point. However you will quickly pick it up again as it contours around the southern side of Law Hill.

On reaching a fenced off area, follow the branch of the path that bears right, up the hillside around a small hillock. Once around the hillock it is straightforward walking on a grassy but feint path towards gorse bushes. Turn right keeping the bushes to your left and aim towards the corner of the forest. Keep the fence to you left to arrive back at the gates at the foot of Law Hill.

Pass through the gate turning left to go down hill. On entering the coniferous woodland this time go left and follow the path through the trees and down the hill to reach the burn. Continue along the north west side of the burn on the path until you reach the edge of the woodland park where the path turns right. The path is now parallel to a quiet road and passes some farm steadings before turning right again to head back to the car park.