Torry Bay and Crombie Point

This easy short 3 mile walk starts and finishes at the Ness car park in Torryburn. Most of the walk is on surfaced paths and quiet roads although the first section is an unsurfaced but reasonably smooth woodland path.

Distance: 3 miles / 4.8 km

Ascent: 165 feet / 50m

Terrain: Mostly surfaced paths, tracks and quiet roads but also some woodland paths.

Start/finish: Ness car park, Torryburn

Route Map

Walking route map for Torry Bay and Crombie Point

Start the walk along Low Causeway passing old cottages, turning right, then left to reach Craigflower House (a previous school now converted to flats). Walk around the front of the house and through the gate on the left onto the tarmac driveway. At a lamp post on the right hand side is a path into the woods. The path is not immediately obvious from the road unless you are looking for it.

Follow this path into the woods keeping to the main path when minor paths join it. Stay in the woods avoiding going through gaps in the wall to the coastal path. After about 0.75 km of walking through pleasant woodland a wall with a doorway is reached. Follow the path through the doorway and turn left onto the tarmac path.

Follow the path as it bends round to the right to reach the ruin of Old Crombie Parish Church and graveyard. From the church continue onwards onto what becomes a farm / access track. After another 0.75 km turn right at a junction with a quiet public road.

Walk down this road to the houses at Crombie Point and turn right onto Shore Road. (following the cycle track sign). This is another tarmac access road for various houses and the occasional vehicle may be encountered. This section of the walk is part of the Fife Coastal Path and returns to Torryburn after about 1.75 km.

Shaw Hill

Although only 84m in height Shaw Hill has 27m of prominence which is sufficient to qualify it as a Sub-Tump. The hill summit is easy enough to access from a gateway beside the A985. However, instead of walking along the busy main road, it is probably better to start from the Newmills or Torryburn area. From the entrance archway on Newmills Main Street, follow the driveway past Torry House. It is not necessary to approach the house itself. Cross the main road with caution, and proceed through the gate opposite, onto an overgrown track. Veer right onto a rough deer track that leads uphill. While the initial ascent is straightforward due to the track, the terrain becomes more vegetated as you reach the crest of the hill. Head north along the wooded ridge, making use of deer tracks where possible. The summit itself is a vegetated mound nestled among the trees.