North Loch Leven Circular

Two circular routes around the north side of Loch Leven using part of the Loch Leven Heritage Trail, a cycle route and local core paths. The walking is easy on good paths and tracks plus a few bits of quiet road. There is some gentle ascent in the area of Loch Leven’s Larder and West Balgeddie on the longer route.

  • Start / finish: Kinross Community Campus (High School), KY13 8FQ. Parking available.

Longer route

  • Distance: 9 miles / 14.5 km
  • Ascent: 380 feet / 115 m
  • Terrain: Paths and tracks, quiet road

Shorter route

  • Distance: 4.5 miles / 7 km
  • Ascent: 160 feet / 50 m
  • Terrain: Paths and tracks, quiet road

Route Map

Route map for Loch Leven

Leave the school grounds and cross the road, walking down Burnbank Meadows beside the health centre to reach a bridge over the Ury Burn. Turn left onto the path on the other side of the burn and follow it through the woods and alongside the golf course. After about 1.3km the path joins the main Loch Leven trail at Mary’s Gate. Turn left to cross back over the burn on a well surfaced path. Watch out for cyclists as the round the loch route is very popular cycle run. The majority of cyclists are courteous, just step aside for them.

After crossing a further bridge, a path to your right leads to a wildlife hide while the main path continues its journey around the loch. There is a grassy wild flower meadow to your right before you reach the pine trees of Burleigh Sands.

Longer 9 mile route (red route on map)

Go straight on (you don’t need to go into the car park) using the main path or alternatively walk along the beach for a while.

After the woods the landscape opens out and you will have views ahead of you to Bishop Hill and across the loch to Benarty Hill. When you reach the signs for Loch Leven’s Larder, turn left and walk up the path for 700m to reach the farm which serves refreshments. The path goes round the right of the buildings to join the main road. Turn right and walk along the pavement, crossing over to the other side at one point. After about 500m alongside the road, turn left onto the quiet Dryside Road at Wester Balgeddie.

Walk through the cluster of houses to reach open fields. The road turns sharp left before reaching the small village of Glenlomond. About 350m beyond the last houses of Glenlomond, your route goes left on to a farm track. Go through a metal gate and keep right on the main track. Occasionally this path may be closed if shooting is taking place. Use the track to cross the fields and reach the B919 road. Cross over the road and walk up the quiet unclassified road opposite.

After about 1.3km on the road you reach the area of Mawcarse where there is a large house and a farm. Turn left at the signpost with the green Scotways sign and a cycle track sign. After about 350m the path turns right and you are now onto the route of an old railway line. Follow the main track keeping straight on at a junction with a signpost (if you wanted to, you could add on a loop through the woodland to your right – follow the directions for the 4.5 mile route). When the track reaches the A911 road the new cycle route goes across the road rather than going under the original railway bridge.

Cross the road with care and go back onto the cycle track on the opposite side, now in a community woodland area. The path soon rejoins the route of the railway line and reaches a junction signed for Milnathort.

Shorter 4.5 mile route (blue route on map)

When you reach Burleigh Sands leave the loch side path and walk through the car park out to the main road. Cross over the road to reach the path on the opposite side through a strip of trees. Go right when you reach the surfaced cycle track and follow it to reach a road. Cross over the road and continue on the cycle track for a further 450 m to reach a gate.

At this point go left on a path signed for Burleigh Castle, firstly through fields and then in a community woodland area. Stay on the path passing through a gate into an older woodland for a while. At an obvious junction keep right so that you walk through younger trees with the road to your left. Don’t go left to the road.

Burleigh Castle appears ahead of you and you can make a detour to have a look at the castle. Our route however, goes left out to the road just before reaching the castle. Cross over the road and follow the path on the opposite side which is signed for Burleigh Sands. You will soon reach a cross road where you turn right on to the cycle track which is now signed for Milnathort.

Both routes

After about 1.25km you will reach houses on the outskirts of Milnathort / Kinross. Continue in the same direction along Auld Mart Road to reach the main road. Turn left on the pavement to head back towards the school. The pavement leaves the road to head into the school grounds away from the busy road. Soon you will be back at your starting point.